
General Chess Discussion

RepliesLast post
Lichess Game of the Month April - Contest178
by Pnguins
How do you play the Kan Siclian? (Black)2
by fwh060a
Favorite games list4
by xakelarre
Why is that games with more rated people is both more interesting and simpler?0
by Motroskin
getting to 2000k is pretty easy, actually14
by Hagredion
White to play, Mate in 13 moves,2
by Wasted_Youth
Nicknames you give to your favorite GMs.3
by Wasted_Youth
Activity is not recorded on my profile1
by glbert
Highest Average Centipawn Loss EVER1
by PangBrownBear
What score should I be getting on Puzzle Storm for it to be considered good?11
by TLansman
Team to play classical games1
by mkubecek
On lichess rating ranks.14
by LeafySnack
how to create a lichess bot1
by zwenna
How do GM's make quick draws?2
by thEcOdErCaT
Who is the most active forum poster?7
by Aaravsharma2012
2800 as a 1600 FIDE player. What's next?10
by CM Sarg0n