
Search "user:RobbUSCF"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Rating not correct.#2

Not sure URLs are loading correctly. It is game 1 and 2 of this tourney.

Lichess Feedback - Rating not correct.#1

In the Arena below, I went from 1884 to 1877 (-7 points), which is correct. The following game I won (but Lichess did not start me out at 1877 but 1835) 37 points. h…

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Lichess Feedback - Reset la partie apprendre#2

J'ai essayé de réinitialiser l'un des thèmes et j'ai échoué. Cependant, vous pourriez faire croire que vous partez de zéro. Ainsi, choisissez d'abord la première coche (déjà complétée). Il passera du …

Lichess Feedback - Create a simul with virtual opponents in "Play: Simultaneous Exhibitions"#1

I am preparing for a simul in the community. I understand that sites like and Lichess can create a simul with real players. Unfortunately, I have had no takers. In the past, the virtual simu…

Lichess Feedback - Game Import for Analysis#1

I imported a game on 12/22/2022 but cannot locate it. I want to use it for the GM analyzes your game via Lichess and the Saint Louis Chess Club. My User name is RobbUSCF. The game I imported was from …