
Is there a limit of the number of games that can be analyzed per day in lichess?

The best answer I have seen to this question (and the numbers still hold true) was previously given by a moderator here:

>Analysis limit changes from time to time. The best way to track the changes is to check out:
>Currently, it's 40 games a day, 200 a week. With a condition that if you used up 2/3 of your weekly quota, the daily limit would then be 2/3 of your daily quota.
this page they tell you that you can do Deep Stockfish 16.1 server analysis 40 per day or Instant local Stockfish 14+ analysis (depth 99) unlimited
@paulw7-uk said in #3:
> you can do Deep Stockfish 16.1 server analysis 40 per day or Instant local Stockfish 14+ analysis (depth 99) unlimited
Stockfish 16 and 16.1 is also available for local analysis. The downside is that you would have to evaluate move by move and the local evaluation is not persistent (once you leave the page and reenter it, the results are gone).