
Tournament Preparation: 19th May

1 • AdrianDsilva •
  1. Accelerated London against Double Fianchetto Variation/Indian Defense
  2. Accelerated London against Benoni Structure
  3. Accelerated London against Horwitz Defense
  4. Accelerated London against Poisoned Pawn Variation
  1. AdrianDsilva

Queen's Gambit | Full Repertoire

895 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Queen's Gambit Accepted
  3. QGA: Rosenthal Defense 3...e6
  4. QGA: Classical Defense 3...Nf6-4...e6-5...c5
  1. Bosburp

Gambit fegatello et traxler all moves

1 • skinox21 •
  1. Fegatello et Traxler
  1. skinox21
  2. STM-skinox21
  3. kakashi974

Ags Ronda 1

1 • DrOstrich •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. DrOstrich

Round 1

1 • pranavajeshnair •
  1. ROUND 1
  1. pranavajeshnair

abhijaysrikarmedida's Study

1 • abhijaysrikarmedida •
  1. Dragon Knight Chess - Arya - 0-1
  2. Dragon Knight Chess- Tony.H - 1-0 - 4-22-23
  3. Dragon Knight Chess - Devdutt - 0-1 - 4-22-23
  4. Triangle Chess - Siddarth Ramkumar - Lost - 0-1 - 4-23-23
  1. abhijaysrikarmedida

Giri's S&S 1.e4

2 • trouURble •
  1. C40 Latvian Gambit Accepted: Bilguer Variation
  2. C40 Elephant Gambit: Paulsen Countergambit
  3. [C41] The Philidor Defense − 3...exd4 with 5...g6
  4. [B12] Caro-Kann Advance 5...c5 with 7...Bg6 #1
  1. trouURble

trouURble's Study

1 • trouURble •
  1. C50 Blackburne Shilling Gambit
  1. trouURble

ASK 2023 Noesis Squat

5 • Cola_Zonder •
  1. Round 0 - Johnny (example)
  2. Round 1 - Niels
  3. Round 1 - Jitze
  4. Round 1 - Joost
  1. Cola_Zonder
  2. Smikkelen
  3. MaxQuintus
  4. BreakingBas

The Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack: Confound Black!

1 • Hello0987654321 •
  1. 1. b3
  2. 1. ...d5: Classical Variation
  3. 1. ...e5: Modern Variation
  4. 1. ...nf6: Indian Variation
  1. BTSJin
  2. Hello0987654321

White - e4 e5

1 • EliasLuiz •
  1. Ruy Lopez - Spanish Countergambit
  2. Ruy Lopez - Berlin
  3. Ruy Lopez - Bird
  4. Ruy Lopez - Smyslov
  1. EliasLuiz

Початкова школа

3 • Eduard7777777 •
  1. Розділ 1
  2. Розділ 2
  3. Chapter 4
  4. Розділ 5
  1. illia_ua
  2. Yeva_Marianna
  3. Eduard7777777
  4. Arina2410

WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

499 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp

Schottisches Gambit

1 • Vale561 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Vale561

CRUSH Black with the Scotch Gambit!

464 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Two Knights - 5...Ne4!?
  3. Two Knights - 5...Ng4!?
  4. Two Knights - 6...Nd7!?
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Bosburp

Game study

1 • FruitSalad2000 •
  1. Anonymous - Anonymous
  1. FruitSalad2000